Project leaflets
The project leaflet „Protecting the Last Cloud Forests of Ethiopia - A project supporting the preservation of the wild coffee forests in Kafa Zone, funded by the International Climate Initiative” can be downloaded here. If you wish to receive a printed version please contact the project office in Germany.
Project documents
Marketing Concept for Kafa Biosphere Reserve
Fundraising Strategy for Kafa Biosphere Reserve
Community and Forest Analysis for Kafa Biosphere Reserve
Forest Status Report Kafa Biosphere Reserve
Ranger Training in Kafa Biosphere Reserve
Tourism Concept for Kafa Biosphere Reserve
Training Manual for Kafa Biosphere Reserve
Final report: Energy Saving Stoves
Presentation S. Bender-Kaphengst, 19.11.2013
Presentation M. Tekle, 19.11.2013
Presentation M. Herold, 19.11.2013
Presentation D. Tunger, 19.11.2013
Presentation M. Wondrafrash, 19.11.2013
Presentation T. Tennhardt, 19.11.2013
Press and media
"Green Dream" - an article from Zoma Magazine by Chuck Adams
For life, for the future - Biosphere reserves and climate change, A collection of good practice case studies
Mountain Forests in a Changing World - Realizing values, addressing challenges
Biosphere Reserves in the Mountains of the World - Excellence in the Clouds?
project overview
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