What does NABU stand for? How is it governed and what are its rules?
This page contains important transparency information. For a closer look at the topic additional material can be downloaded below.
We live democracy
NABU's many members across Germany are more than just silent supporters — they actively govern and decide about the development of the organisation. The General meeting of the Federal Representatives elects the executive committee and sets the agenda.
Goals, activities, staff and finances
Initiated by Transparency Deutschland, actors from civil society and the scientific community defined a catalogue of basic information that every organisation of the civil society should make accessible to the public. NABU has joined this initiative.
The NABU charter
NABU's statutes can be viewed or downloaded here (German, PDF format). If you prefer to obtain a printed copy please do not hesitate to order free of charge via mail (NABU-Infoservice, 10108 Berlin) or email.
NABU annual report
What is the current size of the NABU organisation? What are the latest numbers, e.g. in memberships or financials? Which agenda topics are a collaborative effort between the federal departments of the organisation?
Find answers to these questions and more in our downloadable annual report at (German version only).
For any specific queries please contact our NABU info service. Media representatives please direct their requests to the NABU press department.