Support our work in Africa
Nature conservation and regional development really have an impact – NABU knows this and acts on it.

We set up a number of funds which make it easy for you to decide on an explicit topic. Help us in helping Africa’s nature and support one of our funds – learn more about each of them, or contact us directly for additional information.
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The Lion Fund

Lion in Kafa, Ethiopia - Photo: Bruno D'Amicis
The African lion used to roam through a large part of savannah landscapes but the population has decreased severely, both in size and distribution. Therefore it was a great sensation to find a validation of what local people in the Kafa rainforest of Ethiopia knew for long: a number of these majestic cats live in the rainforests of Ethiopia.
NABU’s Lion Fund now supports lion monitoring, research and awareness creation for the local communities. Together we promote solutions for a peaceful life shared between people and the African lion.
The Ranger Fund

Ranger Belay Mulu in Ethiopia - Photo: NABU
Wildlife poaching in Africa has increased dramatically. Rangers risk their lives while trying to save threatened wildlife in African national parks and biosphere reserves. NABU’s Ranger Fund supports children of rangers who deceased on duty. Together with our local partners, we identify families and support the children in their education, thus honouring the work of the Nature heroes.
Additionally, the Fund also assists to execute high level ranger trainings and the acquisition of equipment.
The Rainforest Fund

The rainforest in Koma - Photo: Bruno D'Amicis
Every year, the global rainforest loss exceeds the size of Switzerland. Rainforests harbour rich species diversity and the current deforestation for agricultural land, palm oil plantations and city extension leads to the extinction of up to 50 animal and plant species every day.
Your donation to NABU’s Rainforest Fund helps us stopping the destruction of rainforests, securing effective protected areas and creating new perspectives for local people.
Become a member of our foundation!
Apart from supporting our specialised and targeted funds, you are welcome to become a full member and supporter of NABU International – Foundation for Nature.
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topics and more
All over the world biodiversity is at risk, and with it people's quality of life. Nature conservation must transcend borders. Together with international partners, NABU is active in these regions: Europe, Africa, Central Asia, South East Asia and the Caucasus. more →