Project goals
Setting a best-practice-example for Ethiopia

Project indicators: | |
Climate Protection | Emissions from deforestation and degradation over the period of the project will have been reduced, using adequate measures, by around 165,000 tons of CO² in comparison with the reference scenario (“business as usual”), and by 507,000 tons in the period 2009-2020. |
Alternative Wood Supply | 1,500 hectares (5,000,000 seedlings) of firewood plantation intended as community forest will have been set up. |
Sustainable Forest Management | 10,000 hectares of forest area will have been transferred to Participatory Forest Management (PFM). |
Reforestation | 500 hectares of degraded natural forest will have been rehabilitated with native tree species (enrichment planting). |
Agroforestry | 200 hectares of degraded area and cultivated space (agro forest system) will have been reforested with native utility species. |
Wood-saving Stoves | At least 10,000 wood-saving MIRT-stoves will have been introduced in selected communities to reduce the communities’ reliance on forest resources. |
Forest- & Climate Monitoring | Effective monitoring systems of CO² emissions and the condition of the forest will have been set up. |
Eco-Tourism | Tourist infrastructure like wild-coffee experience trails, wild animal and bird observation towers with a network of hiking trails, open air museum and a model lodge will have been set up in at least 5 regions of Kafa Biosphere Reserve. |
Ranger Service | A core group of 30 rangers will be on duty throughout Kafa BR patrolling core zones, informing local communities about climate and forest protection and assisting with the project implementation. |
Environmental Awarenes Raising | At least 500 out of 1,000 people asked will know what a biosphere reserve is and know the importance of forest preservation for climate protection. |
project overview
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