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Need expert insights on nature conservation, biodiversity, or climate action? We’re here to support your reporting with facts, interviews, and the latest updates from one of Europe’s leading nature conservation organisations.
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Please direct general press enquiries to Presse@NABU.de.
If you have specific enquiries or are looking for stories or discussion partners from our project regions in Africa, Central Asia, the Caucasus or South-East Asia, please contact our press representatives Britta Hennigs and Anna Wenzel from the international department.
Please direct enquiries relating to state politics or with a thematic focus in a federal state directly to the press office of the respective state association.
For all non-press related general questions about birds, other animals, plants or nature conservation and environmental protection you can reach our NABU nature conservation and environmental information hotline at +49 (0) 30-284984-6000 (Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.), or via Info@NABU.de.
Neue Studie widerlegt Behauptung, Wetter sei Hauptursache für Insektenrückgang
Lehmann: Forschung muss wahre Treiber des Insektensterbens identifizieren, um tragfähige Lösungen zu entwickeln zu können
13. März 2025 / Berlin – Lebensraumverlust, Pestizideinsatz und intensive Landwirtschaft sind für den dramatischen Rückgang der Insekten verantwortlich. Wetteranomalien können den Rückgang hingegen nicht erklären. Das ist das Ergebnis der Studie „Weather anomalies cannot explain insect decline“, die heute in der wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschrift Nature erschienen ist. Die Veröffentlichung widerlegt die zentralen Thesen einer 2023 erschienen Würzburger Studie („Weather explains the decline and [...] mehr →
- 12. März 2025 – Koalitionsverhandlungen: Topf sucht Deckel
- 08. März 2025 – NABU-Präsident Krüger: „Natur muss auf den Tisch“
- 07. März 2025 – Weniger Schutz für Wölfe rettet keine Schafe
In 2015, the UN has ratified and published 17 goals for sustainable development that provide an action plan for all 193 UN member states to complete before 2030. These goals are set to pave the way for a sustainable world without poverty and inequality. more →
Climate change and biodiversity loss are the most pressing challenges to humanity. Finally, people start to realize they are both sides of the same coin. NABU stands with science. We demand and support all efforts to reach a net-zero carbon economy globally. more →
An ecosystem is a complex of living organisms. NABU focuses on restoring ecosystems to their original state and important regulatory functions such as carbon sequestration. Ideally, by creating conditions in which the ecosystem can recover on its own. more →
Ecosystem functioning needs to be seen as a global task. Therefore, NABU is active in 36 biodiversity hotspots and beyond. As part of the BirdLife network, bird conservation has a long tradition for us. Its efforts contribute to biodiversity as a whole. more →