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Press releases
You can find the current information from NABU in the press release database. Please note that the press releases are in German.
Address in Germany
Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU) e.V.
Charitéstraße 3
10117 Berlin
Tel. +49 030-28 49 84-0
Fax +49 030-28 49 84-20 00
Media Service
Tel. +49 030-28 49 84-15 10
Fax +49 030-28 49 84-25 00
In 2015, the UN has ratified and published 17 goals for sustainable development that provide an action plan for all 193 UN member states to complete before 2030. These goals are set to pave the way for a sustainable world without poverty and inequality. more →
NABU includes Sustainable Regional Development into all its international projects: activities which actively support the conservation of ecosystems and create additional benefits for local people are fostered. more →
Climate change and biodiversity loss are the most pressing challenges to humanity. Finally, people start to realize they are both sides of the same coin. NABU stands with science. We demand and support all efforts to reach a net-zero carbon economy globally. more →
An ecosystem is a complex of living organisms. NABU focuses on restoring ecosystems to their original state and important regulatory functions such as carbon sequestration. Ideally, by creating conditions in which the ecosystem can recover on its own. more →
Ecosystem functioning needs to be seen as a global task. Therefore, NABU is active in 36 biodiversity hotspots and beyond. As part of the BirdLife network, bird conservation has a long tradition for us. Its efforts contribute to biodiversity as a whole. more →