Publications and Events

Workshops, events and publications for Project AfriBiRds. - Photo: NABU
Informative materials
AfriBiRds published:
Project Leaflets
Online articles
International commitments

AfriBiRds meeting at UNFCCCOP24 in Germany. - Photo: NABU
AfriBiRds committed to
- 7 UN related events
- 2 International ornithological scientific conferences
- 1 BirdLife International congress
- 2 international workshop on Biosphere reserves / Bird monitoring management
AfriBiRds presented
- 8 oral sessions
- 5 posters
- 2 side events
- 1 open meeting
Agenda international commitments
- 1. May 2017 (Germany): Oral presentation “The NABU supporting AfriMAB”, BfN Workshop UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in Africa
- 2. May 2017 (Algeria): Oral presentation, “NABU accompagnatrice des réserves de biosphère”, 9th UNESCO Arab-MAB Network Meeting
- 3. Sep 2017 (Nigeria): Oral presentation, “the AfriBiRds project”, 5th UNESCO AfriMAB General Assembly
- 4. Nov 2017 (Nigeria): Oral presentation, “the AfriBiRds project”, On Bird Atlasing and Monitoring in Africa, APLORI workshop
- 5. Oct 2017 (Philippines): AfriBiRds involvement to the AEMLAP side event in the CMSCOP12
- 6. Apr 2018 (Germany): Oral presentation“Bird monitoring and conservation for African Biosphere Reserves”, AEWA Technical Committee
- 7. Aug 2018 (Canada): Oral presentation “Change of landscape and climate in Africa: Implications for birds in Europe”, 27th International Ornithological Congress
- 8. Sep 2018 (Belgium): 2 Posters + 1 Side event “Upscalling Common Bird Monitoring in Africa”,BirdLife Global Partnership Meeting
- 9. Oct 2018 (Germany): Oral presentation: “Bird monitoring and conservation for African Biosphere Reserves”, CMS Standing Committee
- 10. Dec 2018 (Poland): AfriBiRds dinner meeting, COP24 CCNUCC
- 11. Dec 2018 (South Africa): Poster “AfriBiRds: Upscaling landbird monitoring in Africa”,7th AEWA MOP
- 12. Apr 2019 (Portugal): Oral presentation + 2 Posters: “The AfriBirRds experience: upscaling commonbird monitoring in Africa”, 21st Conference of the European Bird Census Council.
Project events and monitoring training

World Migratory Bird Day in Ivory Coast. - Photo: NABU
AfriBiRds organized
- 3 virtual Project Advisory Committee meetings
- 2 weekly AfriBiRds Monitoring and Conservation workshop
- 3 bird watching training
- 4 bird conservation awareness events for celebrating the World Migratory Bird Day Event with schools, youth, local authorities and national institutions
- 2 final project events
Agenda project events and monitoring training
- 1. Mar 2017 (Virtual): First Project Advisory Committee
- 2. Feb 2018 (Ivory Coast): Monitoring & conservation training workshop in French
- 3. Mar 2018 (Nigeria): Monitoring & conservation training workshop in English
- 4. Mar 2018 (Ivory Coast): First Bird watching training
- 5. Mar 2018 (Virtual): Second Project Advisory Committee
- 6. May 2018 (Nigeria): Unifying our Voices for Bird Conservation, 2 days awareness to schools and communities for the World Migratory Bird Day
- 7. Jun 2018 (Ivory Coast): awareness to youth and to institutions for the 25th CBD Birthday
- 8. Jul 2018 (Nigeria): Bird watching training
- 9. Jan 2019 (Ivory Coast): Second Bird watching training
- 10. May 2019 (Ivory Coast): World Migratory Bird Day Event + Bird Awareness + Final project event
- 11. May 2019 (Nigeria): World Migratory Bird Day Event + Bird Awareness + Final project event
- 12. Jun 2019 (Virtual): Final Project Advisory Committee
Monitoring campaign

AfriBiRds monitoring campaign in Nigeria. - Photo: NABU
AfriBiRds monitoring setting, it is each year
- 208 effective observation hours
- 416 places visited
- 392 km of monitoring path wandered
- 234 km² covered under 52 representative sample squares
- 1475 observations and 183 different species at Comoé in Ivory Coast for the first monitoring campaign
- 2508 observations and 93 different species at Omo in Nigeria for the first monitoring campaign
Agenda AfriBiRds monitoring campaign
AfriBiRds final project report serie
The AfriBiRds final project report is available under this link in English from September 2019.
The report serie is divided into 8 chapters
- Part I: Introductive summary
- Part II: Project partnership and networking
- Part III: Review of bird monitoring system and scientific knowledge for applying adapted monitoring and conservation tools
- Part IV: Survey of bird monitoring and conservation practices in African Biosphere Reserves for selecting suitable pilot sites
- Part V: AfriBiRds training workshop for improving field recording skills and for co-establishing the monitoring protocol with practitioners
- Part VI: 1st monitoring campaign: lessons learnt and post–analysis results
- Part VII: AfriBiRds toolbox: you count Birds counts on you
- Part VIII: Awareness plan for maintaining and expanding the AfriBiRds initiatives
project overview
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