AfriBiRds Partnership

Bird monitoring in Africa. - Photo: NABU
One swallow alone would not a summer make.
Inspired from Aristotle
AfriBiRds actors - Project team
The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU)
Svane Bender
Project Coordinator of AfriBiRds
Samuel Fournet
Ornithological Director
Lars Lachmann
External ornithological database manager
Jean-Yves Paquet (2018-2019)
Project Assistant in Africa Programme
Maren Loenz (2018-2019),
Birgit Zipf (2017-2018)
BirdLife Africa
Leader of BirdLife Africa
Ademola Ajagbe (2017-2019),
Julius Arinaitwe (2016-2017)
Project Manager of AfriBiRds
Alex Ngari
Coordinator of Nature Conservation Programme
Kariuki Ndang'ang'a
Wadja Matthieu Egnankou
AfriBiRds monitoring coordinator / IBA Manager
Ahon Bernard Dibié
Centre National de Floristique d’Abidjan-Cocody
22 BP 918 ABIDJAN 22, Côte d’Ivoire
Phone +225 22 44 14 33
Nigerian Conservation Foundation
General Director / CEO
Muhtari Aminu-Kano (2018-2019),
Joseph Onoja (Interim 2018)
AfriBiRds monitoring coordinator
Stella Egbe
Cooperation with UNESCO Biosphere Reserves
Implementation of the AfriBiRds pilot monitoring in Côte d’Ivoire
Office Ivoirien des Parcs et Réserves (OIPR)
Director: Roger Kouadio,
Biodiversity Monitoring Manager: Amara Ouattara,
Implementation of the AfriBiRds pilot monitoring in Nigeria
Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN)
Director: Tayo Oyelowo,
AfriBiRds monitoring participant: Emmanuel Ine Ifechukwude and Clifford Clifford Omonu
Participants of African Biosphere Reserves at AfriBiRds Workshop
1. Bia, GHA
2. Comoé, CIV
3. Kafa, ETH
4. Lake Bosomtwe, GHA
5. Lake Tana, ETH
6. Mare aux hippopotames, BFA
7. Omo, NGA
8. Pendjari, BEN
9. Sheka, ETH
10. Songor, GHA
11. Taï, CIV
12. W Region, BEN
13. W Region, BFA
14. W Region, NER
15. Yayu, ETH
16. Arly, BFA (kein Biosphärenreservate)
Participants of African Biosphere Reserves at AfriBiRds Survey
1. Amboseli, KEN
2. Badiar, GIN
3. Basse-Lobaye, CFA
4. Belo-sur-Mer-Kirindy-Mite, MDG
5. Bia, GHA
6. Boloma Bijagós, GNB
7. Boucle du Baoulé, MLI
8. Comoé, CIV
9. Delta Saloum-River, SEN
10. Dinder, SDN
11. Dja, CMR
12. Gadabedji, NER
13. Haut Niger, GIN
14. Ichkeul, TUN
15. Inseln Zembra und Zembretta, TUN
16. Jebel El Dair, SDN
17. Jozani-Chwaka Bay, TZA
18. Kafa, ETH
19. Kruger To Canyons, ZAF
20. Lake Bosomtwe, GHA
21. Lake Tana, ETH
22. Magaliesberg, ZAF
23. Mananara Nord, MDG
24. Mare aux hippopotames, BFA
25. Middle Zambezi, ZWE
26. Mono Transboundary, TGO
27. Mount Elgon, UGA
28. Mulanje-Mountain, MWI
29. Omayed, EGY
30. Omo, NGA
31. Pendjari, BEN
32. Queen Elizabeth,UGA
33. Sahamalaza-Radama-Island, MDG
34. Sheka, ETH
35. Songor, GHA
36. Taï, CIV
37. W Region, BEN
38. W Region, BFA
39. W Region, NER
40. Wadi Allaqi, EGY
41. Waza, CMR
42. Wetland Lake Chilwa, MWI
43. Yayu, ETH
Project advisory and partnership network
The AfriBiRds Project Advisory Board (PAB) includes project members and 13 external and advisory members, two of whom are related to the two pilot project regions where the monitoring takes place. The tasks and functions of PAB are following:
• strategic advice on project execution and project goals with the maximum impact
• bringing to the project external valuable knowledge and experience
• acting as a link between relevant project information and results and relevant actors and processes
• participation in the dissemination of the project and its follow-up activities, as well as
• creating a discussion platform for using the information and results gained from the project.
Project members of the AfriBiRds Project Advisory Board
- BfN (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation): Bettina Hedden-Dunkhorst (2018-2019) and Florian Carius (2016-2017)
- BMU (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety): Oliver Schall
- MOIN (Michael Otto Institute in NABU): Jutta Leyrer
External members of the AfriBiRds project advisory board
- AfriMAB (UNESCO Regional Network for the Man and the Biosphere Network for Africa): Paul Makenzi
- A & W (Altenburg & Wymenga ecological consultancy): Eddy Wymenga and Léo Zwarts
- A. P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute of the University of Nigeria: Manu Shiiwua and Samuel Tertese Ivande
- Common Wadden Sea Secretary, Gerold Lüerßen and Florian Carius
- Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN): Babadoye Ayodotum and Ifechukwude Emmanuel Ine
- IfV (Institute for Bird Research): Franz Bairlein and Heiko Schmaljohann
- Office Ivoiries of Parcs et Réserves (OIPR): Amara Ouattara and Germain Bomisso
- UNEP / AEWA (United Nations Environment Program / Convention for the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds): Sergey Dereliev and Evelyn Moloko
- UNEP / CMS (United Nations Environment Program / Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Wildlife): Borja Heredia and Tilman Schneider
- UNESCO office (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization): Simone Grego
- Percy Fitzpatrick Institute / University of Cape Town: Samuel Temidayo Osinubi
- RSPB / ABC (African Society for the Protection of Birds): Chris Magin
- ZFMK (Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig): Kathrin Schidelko and Darius Stiels with Till Töpfer
Project supervisor
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Project donor
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
AfriBiRds Workshop supporter
German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), Benin
German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), Côte d’Ivoire
project overview
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