Project goals
Aiming high in the Lake Tana region

Ethiopias largest lake – important wintering grounds for migratory birds, such as many crane species - Photo: Bruno D’Amicis
The aim of the projectis to establish a UNESCO biosphere reserve in the Lake Tana region, which was accomplished with the recognition of the biosphere reserve in June 2015. The reserve will contribute towards the development of sustainable resource management in the region, protecting valuable habitats, biodiversity, forests and climate and improving the living standard of the local population.
Project targets | |
Developing the biosphere reserve | All technical, administrative and organisational prerequisites for the recognition of Lake Tana region as a biosphere reserve are fulfilled. These l involved establishing a working administration for the biosphere reserve, as well as developing a participatory zoning concept, management and business plan. A proposal for the recognition of the biosphere reserve has been submitted to UNESCO. | Creating alternative income sources | The income of the population has improved due to new income sources. The project has accomplished this through developing ecotourism in the target region and developing and marketing various regional products. This helps to build local capacity and create income and jobs. | Establishing sustainable resource management | Protection & use concepts for sustainable resource management in important habitat types have been established. This involvde the conservation and restoration of church forests and the introduction of energy-saving stoves and beekeeping to pilot sites. It also involves the analysis of problems affecting wetlands in the area and the development of plans for their sustainable management. | Introducing soil-friendly agricultural methods | A concept was developed to introduce “Conservation Agriculture” and tested in five pilot sites. | Raising awareness of the biosphere reserve | The project and its contents (BR) are known locally and internationally through publicity work. A website and project flyers have been developed and workshops are conducted regularly to inform and involve stakeholders. | Establishing mutual scientific cooperation | The project highly values communication with other regional (research) projects and uses synergies. The project team will participate in conferences, workshops and events as well as an informal network between Ethiopian and German university students. |
project overview
NABU working in close cooperation with the Ethiopian government, the Michael Succow Foundation, many other local partners and organisations as well as with local communities, is supporting the protection of the unique environment around Lake Tana and promoting sustainable development in the region. more →
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