For the future biosphere reserve to function and operate effectively, it needs a strong administration that is integrated and tailored to local, regional and national institutions.
Two administrative structures have been established:
- A Biosphere Reserve Management Administration Unit (BRMU) which manages the daily running of the biosphere reserve in the long run, implements plans and strategies and conducts planning and zoning activities. The BRMU is integrated into the mandated regional authority, the Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Parks Development (BoCTPD).
- A Biosphere Reserve Council to ensure all stakeholders in the region can participate in the zoning and planning processes of the future biosphere reserve. The council represents people from each community and county (kebele and woreda) as well as other stakeholders from the region. The members of the council have already received comprehensive training on the development, zoning and management of biosphere reserves, enabling them to fulfil the role to their full potential.