Link catalogue
Related websites
The projects at the International Climate Initiative’s website
NABU’s program in Ethiopia
Official Kafa Biosphere Reserve Website
Kafa Biosphere Reserve at UNESCO’s MAB Program
Kafa on Youtube
Other related links
"Äthiopische Kaffeezeremonie in Gröbenzell" Kreisbote 13. 5.2015 (german)
"Ethiopia's Wild Coffee Forests in the Kafa Biosphere Reserve" E-NNOVATION GERMANY- The Newsletter of the German Center for Research an Innovation New York. Issue 62, May 2015
Project overview
Ethiopia is a globally significant biodiversity hotspot and one of the world's most species-rich countries. The last remaining highland forests have been identified as particularly valuable key ecosystems. However, they have declined dramatically in size. more →
related topics
Ecosystem functioning needs to be seen as a global task. Therefore, NABU is active in 36 biodiversity hotspots and beyond. As part of the BirdLife network, bird conservation has a long tradition for us. Its efforts contribute to biodiversity as a whole. more →
Climate change and biodiversity loss are the most pressing challenges to humanity. Finally, people start to realize they are both sides of the same coin. NABU stands with science. We demand and support all efforts to reach a net-zero carbon economy globally. more →
NABU promotes sustainable regional development worldwide. Our international projects always include income-generating activities, which comprehensively address all three dimensions of sustainability - balancing economy, ecology and social equality. more →
An ecosystem is a complex of living organisms. NABU focuses on restoring ecosystems to their original state and important regulatory functions such as carbon sequestration. Ideally, by creating conditions in which the ecosystem can recover on its own. more →