Project leaflets
Conservation and sustainable use of the last wild coffee forests of Ethiopia
Schutz und Nutzung der letzten Wildkaffeewälder Äthiopiens
Project documents
Kafa Biosphere Reserve - Ethiopia's hidden treasure
Kafa Biosphere Reserve - Your visitors' guide
Kafa Biosphere Reserve - Map of Bonga Town
Bachelor Thesis "Der Beitrag von Nichtregierungsorganisationen für die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von UNESCO-Biosphärenreservaten in Entwicklungsländern - am Fallbeispiel des Kafa-Biosphärenreservates in Äthiopien"
Teaching biodiversity manual
Teaching Biodiversity Manual - low resolution
Teaching Biodiversity Manual - medium resolution
Teaching Biodiversity Handouts - low resolution
Teaching Biodiversity Handouts - medium resolution
Community wetland management manual
Community Wetland Management in the Kafa Biosphere Reserve - English
Community Wetland Management in the Kafa Biosphere Reserve - Kaffinono
Herbs and spices manual
Guidebook for the production of herbs, aromatic plants and spices in the Kafa Biosphere Reserve - English
Biodiversity assessment reports
NABU’s Biodiversity Assessment at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve - Full Report
01 - NABU’s Biodiversity Assessment at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve - Summary
02 - Vascular plants at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
03 - Fungi at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
04 - Molluscs at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
05 - Beetles at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve, with notes on other insects
06 - Flower-visiting insects at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
07 - Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
08 - Herpetofauna (Amphibia, Reptilia) at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
09 - Bats and fruit bats at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
10 - Birds at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
11 - Primate community composition at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
12 - Small- and medium-sized mammals (Soricomorpha, Lagomorpha, Rodentia, Procavidae) at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
13 - Medium (esp. Carnivora and Artiodactyla) and large mammals at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
14 - Perceptions and expectations on biodiversity of three focus groups (small farmers, local personnel and scientists) at the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
Scientific publications
Assessing the structural differences between tropical forest types using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (Wageningen University)
Presentations and posters
Presentation IUCN World Parks Congress Sydney 2014
Poster "Biodiversity Assessment in the Kafa Biosphere Reserve (2015)"
Poster "Forschungsreise ins Kafa Biosphärenreservat"
Poster "Fledertiere im Biosphärengebiet Kafa in Äthiopien"
Interim Workshop Presentations:
Introduction and highlights of the project (NABU)
Reforestation programme, Rangers, Enjoy Biodiversity Campaign (NABU)
Participatory Forest Management (Kafa Forest Bee Products Development and Marketing Cooperative Union)
Alternative energy sources for rural households (GM Clean Energy/RK Renew Energy)
Community-based smartphone monitoring (Wageningen University)
Local product development for women and biodiversity (Damascene Essential Oils)
Enhancing pottery production for income generation (ProAct Business & Development Enterprise)
Income generation through community-based ecotourism (EWNHS)
Enhancing agrobiodiversity for food security, adaptation to climate change and safeguarding of traditional knowledge (ABEL Development & Protection Consulting)
Press and media
Article "Bedrohte Biodiversität - Wenn die Vielfalt schwindet"
Article "NABU preserves Kafa's wild coffee" in the January 2017 Newsletter of the Ethiopian Embassy in Berlin, Germany (English)
Article "NABU setzt sich für Kafas Nebelwälder ein" in the January 2017 Newsletter of the Ethiopian Embassy in Berlin, Germany (German)
Article "Interview: Saving the birthplace of coffee" by the International Climate Initiative (English)
Article "Interview: Rettung der Ursprungsregion des Kaffees" by the International Climate Initiative (German)
Material from the preceding project "Climate Protection and Preservation of primary Forests - A Management Model using the Wild Coffee Forests in Ethiopia as Example" can be found here:
project overview
Ethiopia is a globally significant biodiversity hotspot and one of the world's most species-rich countries. The last remaining highland forests have been identified as particularly valuable key ecosystems. However, they have declined dramatically in size. more →
related topics
Ecosystem functioning needs to be seen as a global task. Therefore, NABU is active in 36 biodiversity hotspots and beyond. As part of the BirdLife network, bird conservation has a long tradition for us. Its efforts contribute to biodiversity as a whole. more →
Climate change and biodiversity loss are the most pressing challenges to humanity. Finally, people start to realize they are both sides of the same coin. NABU stands with science. We demand and support all efforts to reach a net-zero carbon economy globally. more →
NABU promotes sustainable regional development worldwide. Our international projects always include income-generating activities, which comprehensively address all three dimensions of sustainability - balancing economy, ecology and social equality. more →
An ecosystem is a complex of living organisms. NABU focuses on restoring ecosystems to their original state and important regulatory functions such as carbon sequestration. Ideally, by creating conditions in which the ecosystem can recover on its own. more →