Living and breathing nature conservation in Germany and worldwide

Founded in 1899, NABU (The Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union) is Germany’s oldest and largest environmental association. With more than 960,000 members and 70,000 active volunteers, NABU works tirelessly to protect species, habitats and climate, at home and worldwide. Our projects around the globe empower strong local partners to take action for nature conservation and against the climate and biodiversity crises.

Latest News

Seeking signs in the rainforest

The rainforest is bursting with life. To protect this wealth of species, one must first understand it. To that end, we spend a day accompanying the research team in the Indonesian forest protection project “Hutan Harapan”.

More snow leopards in Kyrgyzstan

Good news: A new study demonstrates the encouraging upward trend of the snow leopard population in Kyrgyzstan since 2000. The local NABU branch played a key role in this conservation success story.

NABU joins Global Mangrove Alliance

Mangroves provide vital ecosystem services and are indispensable allies in the climate crisis. However, they are being destroyed at alarming rates. To protect them, NABU joined the Global Mangrove Alliance, an international network for mangrove conservation.

The NABU Snow Leopard Award

The NABU Snow Leopard Award recognises people and organisations that have made an extraordinary contribution to the protection of the endangered big cat. Davlatkhon Mulloyorov has received the ‘Snow Leopard Award 2024’.

Good grounds for nature conservation

What are the sources of money for conservation on private land? In Germany, mainly public funding. Other models exist in the USA and South Africa. The project “Good grounds for nature conservation” asks how to implement tax relief for voluntary conservation.

A Highlander in Ethiopia

Dragonflies are charismatic insects: Their traits include spectacular aerial maneuvers, jewel-toned bodies and an important role in the ecosystem. More than 6,400 dragonfly species worldwide are known to science. One of them is the “Ethiopian Highlander”.

Sustainable agriculture in Armenia

NABU supports Armenian farmers in converting their agricultural operations to organic methods, as well as in the certification and marketing of their products. This initiative opens up new models for sustaining the livelihoods of the local population.


Fragmentation and degradation are threatening Ethiopia's diverse forest landscapes and thus the country's biodiversity and food security. A new project implements action plans to protect and restore the precious forests.

Explore our international projects

Hutan Harapan

Hutan Harapan is a tropical lowland forest in Sumatra, Indonesia. It is one of the last refuges for endangered species and provides countless ecosystem services. Together with local communities and indigenous groups, NABU protects and restores the forest and researches its biodiversity.


Five countries in Europe:
LIFE Multi Peat

What Europe needs? Wet peatlands! NABU coordinates the international project LIFE Multi Peat that aims to rewet and manage degraded peatlands covering an area of 689 hectare. The project is being implemented in Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland and Germany.


Green Change

The project Green Change strengthens the resilience of people and nature in the face of the growing climate crisis. Our work in the Yayu Biosphere Reserve supports sustainable land use, the cultivation of old varieties and the empowerment of women and youth through generated income.


Central Asia:
Protecting snow leopards

Snow leopards are among the most endangered big cats on earth. Only 4,000 to 6,400 animals now live in the wild. NABU has been committed to the survival of snow leopards in Kyrgyzstan since 1999 and is now working all across Central Asia to protect snow leopards and their


Mangrove conservation

Mangroves and their ecosystem services are indispensable for Indonesia's coastal communities. However, the country experiences alarming rates of mangrove loss. In Sulawesi, NABU and its BirdLife partner support mangrove conservation and identifies areas suitable for restoration.


Creative Mountains

The mountains of Armenia belong to the Caucasus biodiversity hotspot and are unique in both natural and cultural heritage. With the project "Creative Mountains", NABU and its partners seek to promote conservation and sustainable development in local communities.


Six African countries:

NABU and six African NGOs have set up a regional cluster network for enhancing organisational development of green NGOs in Africa. The project supports local farmers in adapting agricultural systems to climate change and facilitates peer-to-peer learning exchanges as well as civil society cooperation.


Finland, Latvia, Germany:
LIFE Peat Carbon

Through peatland restoration, the project aims to reduce CO₂ emissions in project sites by the equivalent of 37.117 tons of CO₂ per year in Latvia and 3.500 tons of CO₂ equivalent per year in Finland. NABU is supporting the project with its expertise in peatland restoration and communications.


Kyrgyzstan: Reintroduction of the goitered gazelle

The goitered gazelle inhabits Asian steppes and semi-deserts from the Arabian Peninsula to northern China. The little gazelle was once at home in Kyrgyzstan too, but has become locally extinct. Now it is the time to change that: NABU is supporting this project to reintroduce this species.


Clean Future

How can we incorporate environmental protection in our lives? The project Clean Future in Armenia pursues this question and answers it with collaborative action. To mobilise Armenian civil society intergenerationally for the reduction of pollution – this is the goal of the project. For a cleaner and healthier future!


Hutan Harapan - Discover the Forest of Hope

International Strategy 2030

ʻWe are what we do – also internationallyʼ: Our International Strategy 2030 sets the course for our nature conservation projects and programmes worldwide. It offers guidance for NABU staff, volunteers and partners, who are constantly searching for effective answers to the most urgent questions of our time. We will tackle the challenges we face and take action against the climate and biodiversity crisis.

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