NABU - The Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union

Founded in 1899, NABU (The Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union) is the oldest and largest environment association in Germany. It encompasses more than 960,000 members and supporters, who commit themselves to the conservation of threatened habitats, flora, and fauna, to climate protection and energy policy. Together with its partners, NABU also looks back on over 30 years of successful international conservation work.
NABU's main objectives are the preservation of habitats and biodiversity, the promotion of sustainability in agriculture, forest management, and water supply and distribution, as well as to enhance the significance of nature conservation in our society.
About 70,000 volunteers play an active role in practical nature conservation work, with great success: This is something that is special to NABU. These active NABU members look after more than 110,000 hectares of valuable protected reserves in Germany. NABU also has volunteer groups working on an international level to conserve nature, protect species and support livelihoods in Africa, Eurasia and the Caucasus. This work is backed by professionals at our regional offices and at our national headquarters in Berlin, who take care of public relations, project development and management, and political lobbying.
NAJU, NABU’s own youth organisation, has more than 85,000 young members. It is the biggest environment organisation for young people in Germany. It offers a framework for children and young adults aged 6 to 27 to protect nature and the environment.
A Portrait of NABU
This is our vision and mission
NABU inspires people to get involved with nature. We want future generations to enjoy a world worth living in – one that offers a great variety of habitats and species as well as good air, clean water, healthy soil and as large a reserve of natural resources as possible. Our vision is an Earth with intact ecosystems, a stable climate and a high level of biodiversity. Our mission is to structurally reduce damage to nature and the climate, while working with strong local actors to protect and restore biodiversity, the climate, ecosystems and their services. We want to make land use and other economic activities eco-friendly, promoting climate neutrality and a circular economy.
NABU's international projects offer nature-based answers to the most urgent crises of our time. Read more about our work.
The NABU Foundation for National Natural Heritage
We’re all part of the same family
The abundance of rare species and the valuable countryside in the new German Federal States were described by the former German Federal Minister for the Environment Klaus Töpfer as the ‘silverware of German unity’. More than 100,000 hectares of these natural treasures were the property of people. With reunification, these areas were merged into the property of the Federal Republic and became privatised. Today The NABU Foundation for National Natural Heritage buys and develops valuable nature conservation land in Germany: More than 390 natural paradises offer permanently protected habitats for endangered animals and plants.
The NABU International Nature Conservation Foundation
Globally active for nature conservation
NABU International Nature Conservation Foundation has been working on behalf of people and nature, for the protection of endangered species and valuable biosphere reserves around the world, since 2009. We are active in places where intact natural areas still exist but are coming under increasing pressure. In close cooperation with local communities and partner organisations, we work to protect lions and white storks in Tanzania, elephants in East Africa and Asia, and endangered rhinos and tigers in Northern India and the Indonesian rainforests. The Foundation has also been supporting selected international NABU projects for many years, such as biodiversity monitoring in Hutan Harapan.
BirdLife International
Together for birds and people
BirdLife International is the largest international Partnership for nature conservation of more than 120 national partners. By working together, we can increase our effectiveness and influence and of course, nature conservation doesn’t just stop at a country’s national frontiers. NABU is the organisation’s German partner and utilises the partnership to extend its work internationally.
Become a member
Stand up for people and nature!
Under the motto ‘For People and Nature’, we have an impressive troop of around 70,000 volunteers who donate 5.5 million hours of their time every year to be involved with NABU. It’s a win-win situation – nature gets a helping hand and the volunteers get a rewarding experience in return! Everyone can help out in some way, as we have a wide variety of different ways you can get involved.
How to become a member
(information in German)
more about NABU
All over the world biodiversity is at risk, and with it people's quality of life. Nature conservation must transcend borders. Together with international partners, NABU is active in these regions: Europe, Africa, Central Asia, South East Asia and the Caucasus. more →