PlanetArt - Festival of Nature / 11 - 21.09.2019 / Kühlhaus Berlin

The Kühlhaus Berlin opened its doors for eleven days during Artweek Berlin to let art and nature meet. More than 30 artists from Spain, Germany, Russia, Norway, Central Asia, Zimbabwe and many other countries impressed visitors, showing how unique, beautiful and fragile the nature of our one and only planet is. A ten-metre long painting of elephants rebelling against environmental destruction, a photo of intricate insect heads taken with a scanning electron microscope, newly constructed utopian worlds – each artist interprets the theme of nature and the environment in their own way.
NABU is involved in a wide variety of projects to protect nature and the environment on five continents. At PlanetArt, the nature conservation organisation has invited to join on an artistic voyage of discovery through the world of NABU’s projects and to become a part of PlanetArt. Concerts, readings, talks: the festival offered a full programme in addition to the exhibitions.
The Kühlhaus is a listed industrial building in the centre of Berlin. PlanetArt presented works of art from over twelve countries and four continents in over 3,000 square metres of exhibition space at this unique location. All of the national and international art pieces have one thing in common: They all explore the themes of man and nature in a creative way and try to find solutions to the important ecological issues of our age. The aim is to raise awareness to problems in an artistic and sensitive way and to break through established thought patterns. We are inspired to think about the state and the future of our planet.
We are bringing our international nature conservation projects to the capital in the form of the interactive NABU Worlds exhibition. The illustrative but abstract representations of the individual countries and continents tell stories of people who live on our planet and how they interact with their natural resources. Above all, the exhibition is an artistic representation of NABU and the NABU International Foundation for Nature’s international nature and species conservation projects.
Both exhibitions could be seen for the first time at PlanetArt from 11th to 21st September 2019 in the Kühlhaus Berlin.

The Kühlhaus: Beautiful industrial building in the centre of Berlin with plenty of space for an exchange between art and nature.